HANNA® instruments Catálogo General v38

Glossary ITS International Temperature Scale. Junction The junction (the part in contact between the two liquids) is typically made with inert materials that will not increase a junction potential or be chemically attacked by the measured solutions. JTU Jackson Turbidity Unit. KEY® The KEY is a thermometer with an interchangeable probe for quick spot measurements. With a response time of less than 20 seconds in water, KEY is ideal for QC and industrial temperature monitoring. KHT Potassium Bi-Tartrate. °KMW °Klosterneuburger Mostwaage is used in Austria to measure the sugar content of must. °KMW is also known as °Babo. °KMW is related to °Oe by the following equation: °Oe = °KMW x [(0.022 x °KMW) + 4.54] 1 °KMW is roughly equivalent to 1 %Brix or 5 °Oe. % l.a. Percent lactic acid is determined by titrating a 20 mL or 20 g sample diluted with twice its volume of deionized or distilled water with 0.1 M sodium hydroxide to a phenolphthalein end point. LCD Liquid Crystal Display. LDL Cholesterol Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol. LED Light-emitting diode; a semiconductor light source. LI Langelier Index is a saturation index developed by Dr. Wilfred Langelier and is widely used to predict the balance of swimming pool waters. It is an estimation of the solutions ability to dissolve or precipitate calcium carbonate deposits. Linearity The linearity of an analytical procedure is its ability (within a given range) to obtain test results which are directly proportional to the concentration of analyte in the sample. LOAEL Lowest-observed-adverse-effect level. LR Low Range. LSD Low Significant Digit. LT Glass This glass is used on our flat and conical shaped membranes as well as sensors used at cold temperatures, because the glass has lower impedance. If an electrode has very high impedance, the measurement response will be sluggish, and a voltage drop causing error can occur. At temperatures below -8ºC (17°F) the internal buffer may freeze and expand and cause the mechanical destruction of the sensor. This glass has a more limited pH range and is dark green. Lux (lx) The SI unit of illuminance and luminous emittance measuring luminous power per area. Matching Pin A matching pin is a differential measurement technique used to eliminate ground loops and common mode perturbations for the measurement system. In a system without a matching pin, electrical currents in the sample can affect the reference half cell voltage that is connected via the liquid junction with the sample. In this case, the reference electrode picks up the electromagnetic fields and the measurement of the pH is altered. The matching pin isolates these current/magnetic fields from the reference electrode. Hanna manufactures a number of models with the matching pin design for safe precise pH measurements. MEADOS Measuring and Dosing System. MEBAK Central European Brewing Commission. meq/L Milliequivalents per liter. In case of alkalinity: 1 meq/L = 50 mg/L CaCO₃ = 2.8 dKH. 16 Glossary 16.11 www.hannainst.com |